Implant Overdentures and Fixed All-On-X Treatment in Naperville

Millions of people struggle daily with loose or ill-fitting dentures and suffer the embarrassment of eating and smiling in public. With dental implants, you now no longer have to avoid the foods you love, or suffer embarrassing moments in public when your dentures come loose and you run to grab the glue.

You can expect your dental provider to recommend 2 to 6 implants per arch with minimal discomfort to act as anchors for either a locked in removable denture, or a fixed implant bridge you never have to remove.

The benefit of having an All-on-X treatment spans far beyond a locked in denture. Studies have shown that patients using a conventional denture experience additional bone loss leading to changes in facial structure and premature aging, compromised nutrition and diminished denture stability over time. No matter how many teeth you need to replace, dental implants prevent the problem of shifting removable dentures, don’t develop the odor of decaying teeth, maintain bone structure and prevent premature aging. With the proper care, dental implants can last for the rest of your life - unlike your vehicle - and most importantly make you feel like a younger, healthier you.

Implant Overdentures and Fixed All-On-X Treatment  - Ogden Valley Dental, Naperville Dentist

Fixed Implant Restoration

Implant Overdentures and Fixed All-On-X Treatment  - Ogden Valley Dental, Naperville Dentist

Edentelous Mandible & 2 Implant “Locked-in” Locator Overdenture

We’re Here to Help You

If you have any questions regarding the services we provide, please call our office at (630) 305-6161.